Diabetes and Endocrinology

St Vincent’s Specialist Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinics are multidisciplinary. Care is delivered by diabetes educators, dietitians and podiatrists. We also deliver a retinal screening program. Current patients of St Vincent’s Diabetes Clinic receive diabetes education where necessary as part of their usual care.

Patients with diabetes must have an HbA1c result, electrolytes and fasting lipid profile available at the time of referral. 

Established diabetes patients must have an HbA1C result.     

The Diabetes Clinic only sees patients that have diabetes with a complication or that require complex management. 

Our Team

Prof Richard MacIsaac
Director, Endocrinology / Diabetes
Tel: 9231 3568
A/Prof Glenn Ward
Deputy Director / Head of Clinic
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Carmela Caputo
Tel: 9231 3568
A/Prof Alicia Jenkins 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Caroline Jung 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Bala Krishnamurthy
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Sybil McAuley 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Kylie McLachlan 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Caroline Meyer 
Tel: 9231 3568
A/Prof David O’Neal  
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Nirupa Sachithanandan 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Geetha Theverkalam 
Tel: 9231 3568
Dr Howard Zeimer 
Tel: 9231 3568
Mr Stephen Farrell 
Endocrine Surgeon
Tel: 9231 3976
Miss Christina Foley
Thyroid Surgeon
Tel: 9417 4666
Miss Jane Harding 
Endocrine Surgeon
Tel: 8415 1655
Mr Jason Tan
Thyroid Surgeon
Tel: 9418 8162

Diabetes Education Services

Diabetes Educators provide diabetes self-management education, and support for people with diabetes. Specific services include:

  • Ambulatory insulin dose adjustment clinic (internal referrals only )
  • Continuous glucose monitoring service
  • Insulin pump service
  • General diabetes self –management education


  • All patients with Type 1diabetes including new diagnosis, diabetic ketoacidosis or concerns with ability to self-manage
  • Type 2 diabetes with following criteria:
    • Newly commenced on insulin
    • Change to current insulin regimen
    • Commenced on new oral medications
    • Assessing competence and safety with self-management
    • Ongoing hypoglycaemia


How to refer:

Internal referrals only

For enquiries please call the Diabetes Education Service during office hours 8.00am- 4.30pm, Monday-Friday, excluding public holidays, on (03) 9231 3675

Diabetes Educators

Mrs Katheleen Steele Grad Cert (Diab Ed & Mgmt) RN, CDE

Nurse Unit Manager | Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Ms Charlotte Hurburgh RN, CDE GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Associate Nurse Unit Manager I Clinical Nurse Consultant | Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Ms Margaret Loh GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Nurse Practioner I Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Ms Lisa Iulianetti GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Clinical Nurse Consultant | Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Ms Elizabeth Mulrooney GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Clinical Nurse Consultant| Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Ms Rebecca Havranek GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Clinical Nurse Consultant| Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Mr Christopher Uren GradCert (DiabEd&Mgmt), RN, CDE

Clinical Nurse Consultant| Credentialled Diabetes Educator | Diabetes Service | St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne


Referral Information 

Referral Forms and Guidelines

Refer to the Specialist Clinics area


Statewide Referral Criteria for Specialist Clinics

To improve access and appropriateness of Endocrinology referrals to public hospitals, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has developed statewide referral criteria. These can be viewed at https://src.health.vic.gov.au/specialities


Endocrine Testing Area External Referral Guide

Endocrine Testing Area Nurse: Maresa

Availability:  4 days per week.  Alternate Monday - Thursday / Tuesday - Friday

Time: 8am - 4.30pm

Phone Number: 03 9231 3595

Email personal: maresa.derbyshire@svha.org.au

Fax Number: 9231 3677 - (This is NOT the fax number for Endocrine or Diabetes clinic referrals, please see below)

Email (Referrals): SVHM.ETA-referrals@svha.org.au (This is NOT the email for Endocrine or Diabetes clinic referrals - please see below)

*Note all external referrals, from non St Vincent’s staff, will be discussed with a St Vincent's Endocrinologist prior to testing*

Referral Requirements:

All External Referrals must include the following information

*Referring Specialists name/ Provider Number
*Specialist Location (Hospital/Private)
*Specialist Contact email/ phone number

  • Patient Name
  • Patient contact phone number/email
  • Patient UR St Vincent’s (If available)
  • Patient Main Language (If not English)
  • Patient Test required (Please see list)
  • Patient Current Medications – relevant to the test
  • Patient Medical History
  • Imaging specific to the test requested

Tests Available: (* = script required)

*Aclasta Infusion


Short Synacthen Test (SST)

Autogel Injection (Lanreotide)

(60mg, 90mg, 120mg)

TRH Test

CRH Test

*Vitamin D Injection IM –

(300,000iu OR 600,000iu)

Glucagon Test

Water Deprivation Test

Growth Hormone Sampling

Metyrapone Test

IV Dexamethasone Suppression Test (4mg Dexamethasone)

Mixed Meal Test

OGTT for Growth Hormone

Sandostatin LAR –

(10mg, 20mg, 30mg)

Prolactin Sampling

(15 or 30min)

*Forteo Enrollment

Other- please specify if your test is not on the current list


In-depth Tests:

The following tests are more in-depth tests. They require an attached referral letter, including pathology results, and confirmation their medical imaging (CT/MRI) has been complete.

Images can be T/F to St Vincent’s Public Hospital using the “MIX system – (Medical Imaging Exchange System)


Medical Image required

Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT)

Nil image required

Saline Suppression Test

Nil image

Please be aware specific medication need to be cease prior to this test. Please contact Endo Nurse for list if unsure

Adrenal Vein Sampling (AVS)

CT- Thin Slice Adrenals- Portal Vein (Contrast) 1mm thick

Please be aware specific medication need to be cease prior to this test. Please contact Endo Nurse for list if unsure

Bilateral Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling (BIPSS)

MRI Pituitary - Contrast MRV

Parathyroid Venous Sampling

CT Thin Slice Neck and Chest-

Venous Phase (Contrast)- 1mm thick

Ca+ Stimulation for Insulinoma Localization

CT this slice Abdo-

Arterial Phase- 1mm thick

Ovarian/Adrenal Vein Sampling

CT- Thin Slice Abdo/Pelvis-

Portal Vein (Contrast) 1mm thick





Clinics and Times






ETA Procedures


2nd Monday/month

4th floor Daly, D44

ETA DSA Review



Pituitary Review



Red Clinic, Daly

PO Regional Medical Endo



6th floor Daly

YADS & Diabetes Tech


1st & 3rd /month

Red Clinic, Daly


MBS Diabetes



Red Clinic, Daly

PO Thyroid surgery



6th floor Daly

PO Medical Endocrine



6th floor Daly

Rapid Access

As needed

4th floor Daly, DE office

High Risk Foot

As needed

Bolte Wing


PO Islet Transplant



Blue Clinic, Daly

MBS Type 1 Diabetes


1st & 3rd /month

Blue Clinic, Daly

MBS Annual Review


2nd & 4th /month

Blue Clinic, Daly


2nd Thursday/month

6th floor Daly

PO Weight Management


¾ /month

6th floor Daly

High Risk Foot


2nd Thursday

Blue Clinic, Daly

MBS Endocrine Cancer



Blue Clinic, Daly


PO Diabetes



6th floor Daly

PO Metabolic Bone



6th floor Daly



Visit the Optometrists Association of Australia or Australian Podiatry Association websites to locate your nearest optometrist or podiatrist. 

Useful links

Consumer Organisations (Non-Government Organisations)

Diabetes Australia: www.diabetesaustralia.com.au

Diabetes Victoria: www.diabetesvic.org.au

Diabetes Shop: www.diabetesshop.com

National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS): www.ndss.com.au

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF): https://www.jdrf.org.au/home

Mental Health Support

‘This Way Up’ https://thiswayup.org.au/

Black dog Institute: https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/

SANE: https://www.sane.org/

Beyondblue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/home

The Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes: https://acbrd.org.au/

Health Professional Organisations

National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC): http://nadc.net.au/

Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA): https://www.adea.com.au/

Australian Diabetes Society (ADS): https://diabetessociety.com.au/

Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA): https://daa.asn.au/

Australian Podiatry Association (APA): https://www.podiatry.asn.au/

Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA): https://www.essa.org.au/

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Ausralia: https://www.shpa.org.au/

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia https://www.psa.org.au/

Australian Psychology Society (APS): https://www.psychology.org.au/

Contact Us

Patient Enquiries

Tel: (03) 9231 3475


GP Enquiries

Tel: (03) 9231 2898
Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am to 4:00pm, or please leave a message.
Fax referrals: (03) 9231 3489


CLINIC: Case Coordinator Nurse

Tel: (03) 9231 3431


Referral Officer

Tel: (03) 9231 3419


For advice from the Diabetes Educator:

Tel: (03) 9231 3675



HealthPathways Melbourne is an online portal designed to be used by general practice at the point of care to guide best practice assessment, management and referral of common clinical conditions.


Please Note:
This is a public outpatient service. All patients need to be referred to us by a GP. Please see your GP if you believe you would benefit from a referral to this clinic. Many doctors have private consulting suites as well as working in the public hospital system. This is entirely separate from St Vincent’s and our staff do not have any information about the private consulting practices of doctors.