St Vincent’s is part of the Compass6 Consortium for Basic Physician Training. Trainees are part of an active training and preparation program that offers a range of tutorials, mentoring programs, study groups and intensive preparation for both written and oral RACP exams.
This training program has seen St Vincent’s gain the reputation as the most successful physician training program in Australasia for the last 10 years.
St Vincent’s also offers a comprehensive range of specialties for advanced training
St Vincent’s offers a wide range of SET programs for trainees. We have a sound reputation in the preparation of trainees for exams and a dynamic surgical research program.
Surgeons at St Vincent’s are active in teaching and research and offer trainees excellent opportunities. Results in exams for surgical training over the past 5 years have been outstanding.

St Vincent's Anaesthetic Registrar training is considered to be one of the best in Australia. Our pass rate for the final FANZCA has been 100% in 12 of the last 15 years. Prizes for the best Australasian candidate have been awarded to a St Vincent's trained regsitrar 4 times for the primary FANZCA and 4 times for the final FANZCA in the past 14 years.
The department runs continuing medical education workshops for the Anaesthetic community and departmental meetings which are of a very high standard. Members of the department give an average of 10 international, 6 national and 6 local conference presentations each year.

With a comprehensive list of internal and external rotations, St Vincent’s provides a wide range of opportunities for Emergency Medicine Registrar training.
Protected teaching time for registrars allows for weekly education sessions that include general emergency medicine issues and specific exam preparation sessions. Access to simulation-based training is facilitated by Emergency Physician involvement in the hospital’s simulation centre while the Emergency Department’s research centre assists registrars with their 4.10 projects.
As a result, St Vincent’s emergency registrars have been very successful at ACEM primary and fellowship exams.

St Vincent’s is proud to offer a wide range of rotations for specialist Psychiatry Training, including Acute In-Patient, Community, Department of Addiction Medicine, Consultant Liaison Psychiatry, as well as a multiple secondment positions.
For further questions, please contact the Medical Workforce Unit on (03) 9231 1094 or email on Alternatively, you can reach out to the Head of Psychiatry via our Switchboard (03) 9231 2211.
Intensive care trainees at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne are offered a range of critical care training rotations, both at Fitzroy and on secondment. Questions regarding applying for an Intensive Care Registrar position can be directed to the Medical Workforce Unit (MWU) on (03) 9231 1094 or email at Alternatively, applicants can contact the Directors of Training, or Head of Intensive Care, via our Switchboard (03) 9231 2211.
The radiology department at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne is growing, with many Interns and Residents choosing to stay on and pursue their specialist training at SVHM. Questions regarding applying for a Radiology Registrar position can be directed to the Medical Workforce Unit (MWU) on (03) 9231 1094 or email at Alternatively, applicants can contact the Directors of Training, or Head of Radiology, via our Switchboard (03) 9231 2211.
With a comprehensive list of internal and external rotations, St Vincent’s provides a wide range of opportunities for Emergency Medicine Registrar training.
Protected teaching time for registrars allows for weekly education sessions that include general emergency medicine issues and specific exam preparation sessions. Access to simulation-based training is facilitated by Emergency Physician involvement in the hospital’s simulation centre while the Emergency Department’s research centre assists registrars with their 4.10 projects.
As a result, St Vincent’s emergency registrars have been very successful at ACEM primary and fellowship exams.

For more information regarding training programs and colleges please follow the links below: