About us

Research Governance Unit

The Research Governance Unit is responsible for both the ethical and governance review of projects involving Humans, Animals and Gene Technology.

For additional information, please visit the Research Governance Unit website, or contact 03 9231 6970

Library Service

The St Vincent's Hospital Library is led by Mr Jeremy Taylor, Chief Librarian. The Library is located on the Fitzroy campus, the Library Service is available to all staff of St Vincent's and clinical students on placement at the Hospital.
For additional information (including access to the library catalogue) please visit the Library Website, or contact 03 9231 2540.



The BioResources Centre is led by Mr Anthony Cornelisz.  The BRC is a first class research facility, facilitating world class research.

For additional information, please contact 03 9231 2654.

Our Team

Dr Megan Robertson

Director of Research
Ph: 03 9231 6974
E-mail: Megan.Robertson@svha.org.au


Dr Tam Nguyen

Deputy Director of Research
Ph: 03 9231 6980
E-mail: Tam.Nguyen@svha.org.au


Mr Jeremy Taylor

Chief Librarian, Library Services 
Ph: 03 9231 2542
E-mail: Jeremy.Taylor@svhm.org.au


Mr Anthony Cornelisz

Manager, BioResources Centre 
Ph: 03 9231 2654
E-mail: Anthony.Cornelisz@svha.org.au 

Research Publications

Research Directorate

About Us

St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne) is a major teaching, research and tertiary referral hospital, providing both surgical and medical services. 

St Vincent’s Hospital is dedicated to advancing medical research, with particular focus on translational research to improve clinical practice. 

The Research Directorate provides administrative support to medical research by providing infrastructure, support, targeted resources, educational opportunities and funding. 

The Research Directorate includes the following Departments:

Research Governance

Library Services

BioResources Centre

For additional information, please contact the Director of Research on 03 9288 6974 or research.directorate@svha.org.au

Research Governance Unit

The Research Governance Unit (RGU) is primarily responsible for administrative governance of research at St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne), by providing secretariat support to the Human Research Ethics Committees, Animal Ethics Committee and the Institutional Biosafety Committee, and ensuring that research protocols conducted at St Vincent’s Hospital are compliant with all relevant guidelines and legislation.

The RGU provides a service to all units wishing to undertake research which requires ethical review. 

Support is also provided to the Research Directorate in relation to the coordination of Research Week.

Please see the section on "Researchers" to find more about Research Ethics and Governance.

Research Valet®

Research Valet® @ SVHM: 'Your lead site solution'

The Research Director aims to make SVHM a premier and preferred site to conduct sponsored clinical trials across a broad range of clinical disciplines. We have recently introduced the Research Valet® Service.

Research Valet® includes full HREC submission preparation and liaison throughout the submission and approval process.

Sponsors or researchers will receive final outcome within 30 days of HREC meeting and governance approvals will be targeted at seven days after submission of all required documentation.

The service provides researchers a smooth start up with a highly competitive timeline to gain ethics approval, providing St Vincent's a competitive edge on the global market for clinical trials.

Due to the HREC now meeting on a fortnightly basis, please be advised that the cutoff date for submission of documents for review by the Valet team is now 14 days.

For further information, please contact Dr Trixie Shinkel, Business Manager on 9231 6977 or trixie.shinkel@svha.org.au.



Research Strategic Plan 2020-25
Research Valet® Brochure (EN)