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Referral Information for Doctors You are here:HomeHealth ProfessionalsSpecialist ClinicsEENDOSCOPYReferral Information for Doctors Referring to Endoscopy at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne Referral to Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at St Vincent’s is now more streamlined to provide better patient access. However, all referrals to Gastroenterology, Colorectal and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Clinics require the GP to use a specific referral template available below. This will assist more rapid triage to the appropriate service. Please see further instruction on pre-referral below. Following your patient’s endoscopy, a report and histology will be forwarded to you for ongoing follow up Endoscopy Referral Templates for Gastroenterology/Colorectal/Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Clinics Referrals for patients likely to require endoscopy must be made using the templates below: Gastroenterology/Colorectal/Upper Gastrointestinal Referral to Clinics - Best Practice (DOC 59.5KB) Gastroenterology/Colorectal/Upper Gastrointestinal Referral to Clinics - Medical Director (DOC 61.5KB) Gastroenterology/Colorectal/Upper Gastrointestinal Referral to Clinics - ZedMed (DOC 40.5KB) Endoscopy referral form (paper): Gastroenterology/Colorectal/Upper Gastrointestinal Referral to Clinics (PDF 56.4KB) Medicare bulk-billing is available for all eligible patients referred to our clinics What type of referral do you have? 1. Immediate telephone advice/emergencies Phone St Vincent’s switchboard (03) 9231 2211 and ask for the Gastroenterology Registrar. 2. New Referrals Complete the referral form (see Referral Templates) and FAX to: (03) 9231 3489 3. Previous recall patient with greater than 12 months surveillance interval returning for repeat procedure Please refer back to SVHM Rapid Access Endoscopy Specialists Clinic 3-6 months prior to the recommended repeat procedure date. Refer to the Endoscopy Guidelines for Patient Recall/Surveillance. (PDF 210.4KB) Please use the mandatory referral template and FAX to: (03) 9231 3489 4. National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) Patients with a positive FOBT from the national program should be referred to SVHM Specialists Clinics as soon as possible using the mandatory referral template. Fax to (03) 9231 3489 Endoscopy Guidelines for Patient Recall/Surveillance These guidelines outline who and when to refer patients requiring surveillance or follow-up endoscopy due to past cancers, polyps or family history. Please see: Endoscopy Guidelines for Patient Recall/Surveillance (PDF 210.4KB) Pathology Patients will NOT be out of pocket for pathology testing because our billing policy for outpatients is to Bulk Bill direct to Medicare. We encourage all referring GP/specialists to use our pathology referral form to ensure continuity of patient care and better communication between primary care providers and our specialists. If the patient elects to be treated privately (i.e. if they have Private Health Insurance) our policy is that we will bill the Health Fund direct and the patient will NOT be out of pocket. If the results are not clear/missing please call St. Vincent’s Pathology for a replacement copy (03) 9231 2888. Our pathology forms St. Vincent's Pathology Referral Form for GPs and specialists 1 (updated as at February 2016) (PDF 435.1KB) St. Vincent's Pathology Referral Form for GPs and specialists 2 (updated as at February 2016) (PDF 177KB)