Aged Psychiatry Assessment and Treatment Team (APATT)


St Vincent's Aged Psychiatry Assessment and Treatment Team (APATT) is a multidisciplinary community mental health service based at St George’s campus in Kew. Referrals from GPs are welcomed.


A case manager is appointed and members of the APATT will visit the person wherever they live, or wherever it is most convenient for them. After this assessment the team will devise an agreed care plan, then work with the person, family, carers and other organisations and services to ensure that the most appropriate care and treatment is provided.


Healthy Ageing Service (HAS)

HAS is a new service designed to support the healthy ageing of older adults in the north-eastern and eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The service is free of charge, funded by Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) and delivered by Eastern Health in partnership with St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.

HAS is for individuals aged 65 years and older (55 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders) living in the community or in a RACF with, or at risk of, mild to moderate mental health issues who may not otherwise qualify for public mental health services.

HAS Referral form

Referral Information

Referral Forms and Guidelines

Refer to the Aged Care & Community Services area

Contact Us

Tel:(03) 9231 8443

Fax:(03) 9231 8503

Out of hours assistance for psychiatric services is available via St Vincent’s psychiatric triage on Tel: 1300 558 862