Telehealth at SVHM

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St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne prides itself on offering the best care to all our patients, regardless of their geographical location. Telehealth offers the ability to access specialist care from the comfort of your own home. It links you and your clinician by an audio and video connection using your computer, smart phone or tablet.
If you have a booked consultation via telehealth, please click on the Start video call button.
Apple iPhone & iPad users: update to latest iOS
Some iOS users with older versions of the operating system are experiencing audio issues introduced by their version of iOS. Users who are on version iOS 15.6 may experience audio issues after approximately 6 minutes into a call. Please update your iPhone or iPad to the latest iOS release. iOS 16 or later will resolve audio issues being experienced by older iOS versions. For further information on this issue, please visit the Healthdirect announcement here.

Telehealth Instructions - How to make a telehealth video call
(مكالمة فيديو)Telehealth معلوما ت حول مواعيد - Arabic
Πληροφορίες για τα Ραντεβού Τηλεϊατρικής (βιντεοκλήση) - Greek
Informazioni per gli appuntamenti di Telehealth (videochiamata) - Italian
远程医疗(视频通话)就诊信息 - Simplified Chinese
Información para citas (videollamada) por Telehealth - Spanish
Telehealth (görüntülü arama) Randevuları için bilgi - Turkish
Thông tin về Cuộc Hẹn Viễn thông Y tế (Telehealth) qua video - Vietnamese