Michael is an Emergency Physician at St. Vincent's. He has previously been the Director of Emergency Medicine Training and was a Medical Adviser to Oilsearch between 2005 and 2010. His first experience of developing world medicine was during his medical student elective when he spent 11 weeks in the Solomon Islands in 1996. He has an interest in education and previously facilitated on Emergency Life Support (ELS) courses in Australia, and various other courses developed using the hi fidelity mannequin at St. Vincent's Education Centre. He has also previously been involved with exam preparation for several PNG M.Med Emergency candidates. In 2013, Michael volunteered as an honorary lecturer in Emergency Medicine at the University of Medicine 1, Yangon in Myanmar for 3 months.
He is a founding member of the committee and current co-chair.
Blandine Dent continues the legacy of her late husband and Pacific Health Fund founder, Dr Andrew Dent. Blandine worked with Andrew as a nurse in Cameroon and as a teacher in Papua New Guinea. She shared his passion for health in the developing world and always supported his endeavors in the Asia Pacific Region. Blandine and her two sons, Christian and Stephan, are committed to continuing Andrew’s vision through the Pacific Health Fund.

Georgina has a long involvement with medicine in the Pacific Islands region, which began with a two year placement with the Australian Volunteers Abroad program in 1996, in the remote atoll nation of Kiribati, where she worked as an emergency specialist. She has travelled to the Solomon Islands and PNG many times to provide professional support and development for local trainee Emergency Physicians, attend the PNG annual Medical Symposium, and facilitate Primary Trauma Care courses. She has also hosted Pacific Islands health professionals during their travels to Melbourne. Georgina has an interest in research and has published articles exploring the emergency department care of complex patients with mental illness, substance abuse and social vulnerability. She has maintained her links with development organisations working in the Pacific region, and takes an active interest in issues of sustainability and social justice.

Guy is an Emergency Physician who has practiced and taught medicine in the Karakorum of Northern Pakistan, the Solomon Islands, PNG and Bougainville. Locally, he continues with volunteer teaching of the CRANA Remote Emergency Care Course to health workers in remote and regional Australia.

Brigid is a Program Manager with St Vincent’s Mental Health. She has a public health background and has worked with health workers from the Pacific region in the areas of community mental health and rehabilitation, HIV/AIDS and prevention of violence against women

Margaret Stewart is Executive Director, Mission at St Vincent’s Public Hospital Melbourne. Margaret’s role is to make sure that the services, organisational culture and priorities of St Vincent’s Public give effect to the hospital’s mission to provide person-centred health care, healing and love to the poorest and most vulnerable. Compassion, justice, integrity and excellence are the four values that underpin the St Vincent’s ethic of care. Marg is committed to the hospital’s contemporary expression of its 125+ year mission: St Vincent’s Cares. Always has. Always will.

Richard Prentice, Head of Trusts and Foundations. Richard assists St Vincent’s Departments and staff with securing funds for research, equipment or clinical projects from Philanthropic/Charitable Trust and Foundations. This includes identifying funding sources, preparing applications, proofing/editing, administration of grant funding and writing funding reports