Prior to commencing

Parking & Transport

Please click here for all Parking & Transport information. 

Casual Parking Application Form

Campus Maps 

Please select your location to view a campus map, Fitzroy, SGH KEW, Berrenagrra and Auburn House. For additional Campus Information click here.


In regards to purchasing uniforms, please follow the instructions listed here

Employee Responsibilities

Employees must at all times adhere to St. Vincent’s Hospital Policy and Procedure Guidelines in regard to patient care.

Employees must wear name badge and Identity Card at all times whilst on hospital grounds. A name badge will be provided to you at orientation. 

The reputation and image of SVHM is upheld by the perceptions that patients and visitors form of staff. For this reason, employees are expected to be courteous and considerate to patients, visitors and staff members.

Patient information is to be regarded as confidential at all times. 

Personal Belongings
Employees are advised to keep personal items and valuables to a minimum, as SVHM accepts no responsibility for these. You will be provided with a locker, however most areas may require you to bring your own lock. 

Social Media
Employees should not mention SVHM or detail anything about their employment, or communicate with patients or their families using social media. For further information about your responsibilities with social media you can review the social media policy from AHPRA by following this link.

For further information please visit Melbourne Public Policies, Procedures & Guidelines.

Fit Testing

It is a requirement that all clinical staff are fit tested for an N95 mask. If you hold a valid Respiratory Mask Fit Test completed within 12-months of your start date, kindly submit these to for recognition.

If you do not hold a valid Fit Test (within the last 12-months), please contact or call (03) 9231 1466, to make an appointment with Respiratory Mask Fit Testing.

It is a mandatory requirement for this to be valid.

Mandatory Training

Prior to commencing, you must complete a number of SVHM & SVHA online competencies. The competencies listed below are required to be completed prior to your commencement date if possible.

via workday once you receive your login details.

SVHA Basic Life Support (online)

SVHM MoveSmart training (online)

SVHMmove smart training Module 1 and Module 2 (Practical). You will need to book into a practical MoveSmart session via Workday.

Please note, 'NPS Inpatient Medication Chat', 'NPS Medication Safety' and 'BloodSafe' are external websites and therefore you will need to create a new account and select St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne Fitzroy (it is important to enter the hospital for reporting purposes).

Forward completion certificates via email to

SVHM NPS Inpatient Medication Chart

SVHA NPS Medication Safety

SVHA BloodSafe – Clinical Transfusion Practice

For an extensive list of Mandatory Training for Registered Nurses click here