About the Program

Pathway to Specialty Practice

The Pathway to Specialty Practice Program (PSP) allows registered nurses to extend their clinical experience, enhance their knowledge and skills whilst taking the next step towards their career in specialty practice. The program is part-time (0.8EFT) offering two rotations over 12 months, or alternatively 12-month only streams. 

Transition to Specialty Practice - ICU or ED

The Transition to Specialty Practice (TSP) – ICU or ED – program, allows registered nurses with at least 2 years of acute clinical nursing, an opportunity to extend their knowledge and skills. The program is part-time (0.8EFT) program offering a 6-month rotation in ICU or ED. The TSP offers supportive succession planning to achieve your future career goals including articulation to postgraduate studies. This program is available to current SVHM nursing staff only.  

Advanced Standing

Our programs provide the opportunity to apply for Advanced Standing with several of our affiliated University providers including Deakin University and the University of Melbourne.

Upon successful completion of the relevant PSP or TSP program, you may be eligible to apply for Advanced Standing. For more information, please contact us at SVHM.education.PSPqueries@svha.org.au.