St Vincent’s encourages and supports the ongoing development of registered nursing staff to gain postgraduate qualifications.
Students wishing to undertake postgraduate study in a specialty area may choose to study one of the courses listed below.
The listed courses are aligned with SVHM and offer a robust content reflective of industry needs and are delivered by tertiary organisations that have a relationship with SVHM.
Enrolments in postgraduate programs outside of those below are possible and we encourage staff to discuss postgraduate study options with the Postgraduate Coordinator.
All new postgraduate nursing courses will be reviewed and considered by the Postgraduate Coordinator and the Manager of Continuing Development Programs.
Postgraduate scholarships are offered by SVHM, please refer to financial support information.
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care Nursing - Flinders University - online
Practice Development Nurse: Shaoyun Guan
The course is offered by Flinders University.
The certificate is offered part time over 2 semesters and the Diploma can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis over 12-18 months.
The course is an online course with clinical support to complete required clinical hurdles with the Practice Development Nurse.
Minimum EFT to undertake this stream is 0.6 per fortnight in the clinical setting.
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Graduate Certificate in Cancer Nursing - University of Melbourne (UoM) - online
Practice Development Nurse: Kristy-Lee Jones
6 West is a 20 bed unit dedicated to caring for Haematology, Oncology and General Medicine patients.
Course Facilitation
The course is offered by the University of Melbourne.
The Graduate Certificate is offered part time over 2 semesters and the Diploma can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis over 12-18 months.
The course is an online course with clinical support to complete required clinical hurdles with a clinical educator.
Minimum EFT to undertake this stream is 0.6 per fortnight in the clinical setting.
Skills gained
The course is designed to promote development of theoretical knowledge to support safe practice as a beginning level specialty nurse in the clinical environment of Cancer Care. You will increase your understanding in the pathophysiology of cancer and carcinogenesis, and the principles of cure, control, symptom management and palliation.
The impact of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and survivorship on the person confronted with a life threatening illness and their family will be explored. Throughout the subject the development of knowledge and skills in therapeutic communication will be assessed, and providing physical and psychosocial care across the disease trajectory will be promoted.
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Graduate Certificate of Cardiac Nursing - Deakin University
Practice Development Nurse: Beth Lane and Gab Leonard
Course Facilitation
The Graduate Certificate of Cardiac Nursing is facilitated by Deakin University. Successful applicants will enrol in the Graduate Certificate of Cardiac Nursing. After successfully completing 2 subjects (total 4-credit points) you will to exit the course at the Graduate Certificate level. You may choose to complete a further 4 subjects (total 8-credit points) to obtain a Graduate Diploma or continue to complete the Master of Nursing Practice requiring overall 12-credit points.
The Graduate Certificate of Cardiac Nursing, is designed to prepare nurses for specialty practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
Deakin: Graduate Certificate of Cardiac Nursing | Deakin
Clinical Rotations
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic cardiac conditions in a variety of cardiac specialty environments. Clinical experience will involve rotations in the coronary care unit and cardiothoracic unit. Supernumerary time will be offered in the cardiac catheter lab, cardiac theatres and ICU.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Cardiac Care)
Minimum EFT to undertake this stream is 0.6 per fortnight in the clinical setting
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email:
Graduate Certificate of Critical Care (Emergency) -University of Melbourne (UoM)
Practice Development Nurse: Kate Urie, Katie Tremayne and Hannah Beiers
Clinical Support Nurse: Eden Pham
St. Vincent’s Melbourne facilitate a January intake to undertake the Postgraduate Emergency Nursing stream with UoM.
The St Vincent’s Emergency Department (ED) is located in Fitzroy, servicing some of Victoria’s most complex & vulnerable patient populations. The Department consists of 52 treatment spaces including Resuscitation, Acute Cubicles, Fast Track & Short Stay areas with a new Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs (MHAOD) hub focusing on delivering high quality support, medical care and lived experience guidance for vulnerable patients who present to the ED. The ED is a tertiary referral centre for Neurosurgery, Stroke, Cardiothoracics, Plastics & lower limb injuries. St Vincent’s Emergency Department is the primary receiving health service for Correctional Services Victoria and has a close working relationship with the Royal Children’s Hospital Emergency Department. The Department has a Multi Disciplinary Team approach to providing prompt, high quality, patient centered care.
The Emergency Course offers clinical experience and education in the areas of resuscitation, triage, acute medical and surgical care and major and minor trauma care.
Course Facilitation
Successful applicants will enrol into the Graduate Certificate of Critical Care – Emergency with UoM. After completing 4 subjects (total 4-credit points) you may choose to exit the course at the Graduate Certificate level or complete a further 4 subjects (total 8-credit points) to obtain a Graduate Diploma or continue to complete the Master of Nursing Practice requiring overall 12-credit points.
Clinical hurdles
- Non-Invasive Ventilation (CPAP & BiPAP)
- Assisting with endotracheal intubation
- Transcutaneous cardiac pacing
- Cardioversion (elective synchronized and emergency unsynchronized)
- Haemodynamic Monitoring (arterial line invasive monitoring)
- Advanced Life Support
- Triage
- Mechanical Ventilation
At the completion of the course students can safely care for the complex critically ill patient including those requiring mechanical ventilation and invasive haemodynamic monitoring, triage independently and be team leader in the resuscitation room. Students will gain an understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of health problems commonly encountered in the emergency department and associated interventions and care provided to a wide variety of patients.
It is a requirement that candidates applying for Postgraduate studies in Emergency have a minimum of 12 months experience working in Emergency Nursing prior to applying.
Minimum FTE to undertake this stream is 0.6 per fortnight working in Emergency.
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email:
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Gerontological) – Australian Catholic University – online
Practice Development Nurse: Amy Lee and Jenny Wraight
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Gerontological) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The Gerontological stream consists of four (4) subjects.
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing Gerontological is undertaken over 4 terms with ACU - online.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
Clinical Experience
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic medical conditions. Clinical experience will be facilitated by experienced nurses.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Gerontological)
For further information please contact the stream facilitator via email at
SVHM DCCM Postgraduate Intensive Care Nursing Course
Practice Development Nurse: Ben Picone
The Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM) is 15 bed, open plan, Level 3 tertiary referral unit encompassing an intensive care (ICU) and high dependency unit (HDU).
The DCCM admits deteriorating patients from the ward environment, Operating Theatre, Emergency Department plus external admissions from other metropolitan and rural hospitals via Adult Retrieval Victoria (ARV).
Patients admitted to the DCCM present with a wide range of clinical conditions that require intensive nursing care and complex management strategies including; cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, haematology, oncology, medical and general surgery, gastrointestinal, orthopaedic and plastics.
ICU Postgraduate Nursing Students at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (SVHM) will complete the academic components of the course at Deakin University, by enrolling in the Graduate Certificate of Intensive Care Nursing.
Graduate Certificate of Intensive Care Nursing students are supported in the clinical area by Practice Development Nurses, to provide one on one care to patients with a range of different requirements including; advanced haemodynamic monitoring, management of vasoactive and inotropic drugs, temporary pacing, external ventricular drains / Codman’s, Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP), Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV), mechanical ventilation support and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies (CRRT).
It is a requirement that candidates applying for Postgraduate studies in Intensive Care Nursing have a minimum of 12 months nursing experience beyond their graduate year and have some ICU nursing experience prior to applying.
Minimum FTE to undertake this stream is 0.8 per fortnight working in the ICU clinical setting.
For further information about the clinical requirements of Postgraduate Intensive Care Nursing at SVHM, please contact the stream facilitators via email at
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Medical) – Australian Catholic University - online
Practice Development Nurse: Cass Coshan and Jenna Riley
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Medical) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The Medical stream consists of four (4) subjects.
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing Medical is undertaken over 4 terms with ACU - online.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
Clinical Experience
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic medical conditions. Clinical experience will be facilitated by experienced medical nurses. Supernumerary time will also be given in the high dependency unit.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Medical)
For further information please contact the stream facilitator via email at
For any enquiries about Postgraduate studies in Mental Health please email
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience) – Australian Catholic University - online
Master of Advance in Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience) – Monash University - online/Clayton campus
Practice Development Nurse: Rebecca Veldhuis
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience) – Australian Catholic University – online
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The ACU Neuroscience stream consists of four (4) subjects.
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing Neuroscience is undertaken over 4 terms with ACU - online.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
Clinical Rotations
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic neuroscience conditions. Clinical experience will include working some clinical shifts on both 10 East and 10 West during the Postgraduate year. Exposure days are offered in ICU, neuroscience theatres and interventional radiology.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience)
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Master of Advanced Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience Nursing) – Monash University –online / Clayton campus
The Master of Advanced Nursing (Neuroscience) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The Neuroscience stream consists of two (2) subjects.
The Master of Advanced Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience) is undertaken over 2 Semesters with Monash – online / Clayton Campus
Clinical Rotations
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic neuroscience conditions. Clinical experience will include working some clinical shifts on both 10 East and 10 West during the Postgraduate year. Exposure days are offered in ICU, neuroscience theatres and interventional radiology.
Option available to exit with a Graduate Certificate (1yr) or Graduate Diploma (2yr) in Advanced Clinical Nursing (Neuroscience Nursing).
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Orthopaedics) – Australian Catholic University - Not offered in 2025 see Surgical Stream
Practice Development Nurse: TBA
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Orthopaedics) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence. The course is facilitated by St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.
Clinical Rotations
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex acute and chronic orthopaedic conditions. Clinical experience will be facilitated by experienced orthopaedic nurses. Supernumerary time will also be provided in Orthopaedic Theatres.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Orthopaedics)
For further information please contact the stream facilitator via email at
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Renal) - online stream Australian Catholic University
Practice Development Nurse: TBA
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Renal) is designed to prepare nurses for specialty practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice and the units offered by ACU the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
Those undertaking the stream are employed either on 10 East or the Dialysis unit at St Vincent's Melbourne.
St Vincent's offers rotation time for the 10 East staff to experience working in the Dialysis unit. Participants will be required to complete clinical competencies, attend two Renal study days and be offered supernumerary time in Operating suite and various clinics at St Vincent's including the renal transplant clinic and vascular access clinic.
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
The Renal stream consists of four (4) subjects.
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing Renal is undertaken over 4 terms with ACU - online.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
Graduate Certificate of Perioperative Nursing (Perianaesthesia/Perioperative)
Graduate Certificate of Perianaesthesia Nursing
Graduate Certificate of Intraoperative Nursing
Deakin University
Practice Development Nurse: Eden Hall, Ajsa Draganovic and Lisa Tricarico
Course Facilitation
The Graduate Certificate of Perioperative, Perianaesthesia or Intraoperative nursing streams are facilitated by Deakin University. For study in 2025 successful applicants will need to enrol in either the – Perioperative, Perianaesthesia or Intraoperative stream with Deakin. After completing 4 subjects (total 4-credit points) you may choose to exit the course at the graduate certificate level or complete a further 4 subjects (total 8-credit points) to obtain a graduate diploma or continue to complete the Master of Nursing Practice requiring overall 12-credit points.
The Graduate Certificate streams are designed to prepare nurses for specialty practice at an advanced practice level within the Operating Suite. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
Deakin: Graduate Certificate of Perioperative Nursing | Deakin
Clinical Experience
Each student will spend clinical time in scrub scout, anaesthetics and PACU and be exposed to a number of surgical specialties in order to place theory into a practical context, provide opportunities to expand their repertoire of surgical skills and provide an experiential basis for their learning.
Minimum EFT to undertake this stream is 0.6 per fortnight in the clinical setting.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Perioperative, Perianaesthesia or Intraoperative)
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Plastics and Reconstruction) – Australian Catholic University - not offered in 2025
Practice Development Nurse: Melanie Anthony
Course Facilitation
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Plastics and Reconstructions) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The Plastics stream consists of four (4) subjects.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
This course is facilitated by St Vincent's Public and Private hospital and will not be offered in 2025.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing
For further information please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator via email at
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Surgical) – Australian Catholic University - online
Practice Development Nurse: Melanie Anthony
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Surgical) is designed to prepare nurses for speciality practice at an advanced practice level. Through the combination of theory and practice, and the sequence of units, the course offers an opportunity for progressive development of knowledge, skills and competence.
The Surgical stream consists of four (4) subjects.
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Surgical) is undertaken over 4 terms with ACU - online.
ACUO: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing | ACU Online courses
Clinical Experience
Each student will be given an opportunity to care for patients presenting with a wide variety of complex surgical conditions. Clinical experience will be facilitated and supported by the experienced surgical nursing teams in the inpatient surgical wards.
Exit with a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing (Surgical)
For further information please contact the stream facilitator via email at