POST Staff

There is a variety of staff involved in the POST placements as supervisors, consultants, peers and educators. The attached list illustrates the depth and quality of mental health professionals involved in our program within a wide range of subspeciality areas.



Primary contacts for St Vincent's Mental Health

Professor Chee Ng
Director of the International Unit and Site Director, WHO Collaborating Centre
St Vincent's Mental Health
Professor Chee Ng (MBBS, MMed(Psych), FRANZCP, MD) is Professor and Healthscope Chair of Psychiatry. He is the Director of the Professorial Psychiatry Unit of The Melbourne Clinic and Director of the International Unit at St Vincent’s Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne. He is also Director of the Asia-Australia Mental Health, Site Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health, and past Secretary General of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists.

Ms. Bridget Organ
Manager, St. Vincents Mental Health
Bridget Organ is the Manager of St. Vincent’s Mental Health, a public area mental health service providing services for a population of 230,000, as well as regional and state-wide specialist programs for the state of Victoria. St. Vincent’s Mental Health employs over 250 multi-disciplinary staff.

Ms Brigid Ryan
Project Coordinator, International Unit
St Vincent's Mental Health
Brigid Ryan has a public health background and is Program Manager with Asia Australia Mental Health.   Brigid co-ordinates the Postgraduate Overseas Specialist Training (POST) program, focusing on training and capacity-building in community mental health and rehabilitation and fostering international collaborations.    
