Spec. Training Registrar
Important Contacts:
Dr Dominika Baetens –Deputy Director Clinical Services, Director Postgraduate Education
Dr Sarah Berriman, Lead Registrar
Mrs Marlene Perry, PA, Director Clinical Services
Important Dates:
Monday 7th May 2018 - Advertisement Available on St Vincent’s online Recruitment Site
Friday 15th June 2018 - Closing Date for Applicatons
Interviews – August 2018
Overview – St Vincent’s Mental Health:
Our clients/patients
St. Vincent’s Mental Health (SVMH) emphasises strengths and recovery opportunities for individuals experiencing mental health issues and illness.
In doing so we acknowledge cultural diversity and recognise the role of psychosocial vulnerability and trauma but aim to foster a spirit of resilience which sees the individual driving their recovery professionally supported by their treating team.
St Vincent's mental health includes an adult area mental health service for the inner city areas of Yarra and Boroondara. The adult mental health service components are: the Footbridge Community Care Unit (CCU), the Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC), the 44-bed Acute Inpatient Service (AIS) located on the St. Vincent’s Hospital site, and two community mental health services (CMHS) at Hawthorn and East Melbourne (Clarendon CMHS). Community mental health services comprise the Triage and Crisis Assessment and Treatment (CAT) service, Extended Triage and MH-HARP/MH-PICT (Mental Health- Hospital Admission Reduction Program & Primary Intervention and Care Team), Continuing Care (CCT), Mobile Support and Treatment (MST) and Homeless Outreach (CHOPS) services. A Consultation & Liaison Service is provided to the health service. NEXUS Dual Diagnosis Service, the Body Image and Eating Disorders Assessment and Treatment Service (BETRS) and NEVIL Training Cluster are regional services. State-wide services are the Victorian Dual Disability Service, the Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit and Dual Diagnosis Education and Training Unit. The Acute Inpatient Service includes 5 beds designated as the Koori State-wide Inpatient Service and linked to the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service.
A wealth of training opportunities
St Vincent's is committed to supporting and complimenting specialist RANZCP training with the aim of developing psychiatrists with a broad range of experiences and knowledge well equipped to perform clinically as well as lead and develop the broader mental health area.
Our consultant supervisors
St Vincent's maintains a consultant staff of approximately 30 with expertise in a wide range of specialties. We draw on a collegiate approach to form the background to a training experience which emphasises a comprehensive and inclusive manner of understanding and treating our patients including those at the margins of our community.
Our educational program
There is an extensive academic and educational program available to trainees at St Vincent’s Mental Health. St Vincent’s has a particular commitment to providing a comprehensive training program which includes quality experience in psychotherapy.
Grand round style and critical analysis presentations (both weekly) form the backbone of our general educational program. In addition to this some of our most senior psychiatrists provide a general grounding to our trainees by way of their weekly sessions.
Professor Castle leads our trainees through readings covering history and controversies in psychiatry, Assoc Prof Harari leads seminars in psychodynamic psychiatry while Dr Denis O'Loughlin (Director of Psychotherapy Training) supports our trainees through reflective practice sessions which are also facilitated fortnightly within the multidisciplinary sessions of Dr Jenny Randles.
Historically St Vincent's trainees have achieved high pass rates in their summative assessments and exams. Our OSCE preparation program has achieved a particular reputation among trainees for its success and rigor. The introduction of new, higher junior consultant level standards has posed a challenge to all training programs.
We have increased consultant participation in the exam preparation program with the development of an electronically based written exam preparation further supplemented by face to face sessions. Case submissions have been supported by the provision of information tutorials to both supervisors and trainees as well as supervisor support for a double review process. All cases reviewed and submitted in this manner have passed.
Support for trainee welfare
Training and working in mental health can be an intense, confronting and stressful experience. Trainees may have to deal with commitments outside of the workplace or challenges in their own lives. Part of professional development is finding a balance to these competing -and complementary- interests. In addition to meeting clinical and training supervision requirements through the usual avenues we support our trainees by ready access to senior support. Monthly meetings by the DCS, Deputy DCS allow for the thoughtful discussion of training and frontline issues while an open door policy allows the clinical executive to provide more urgent support when needed. Our lead and senior registrars play an important role in providing mid-level and practical support to more junior trainees as well as orienting them to the importance of external resources including the use of green spaces (Exhibition gardens), local eateries and coffee shops.
St Vincent's health provides staff support in the form of counselling services (ACCESS) as well as through our STAR program (Support Team Action Response - a Critical Incident Stress Management peer support program).
At times our trainees seek additional support or consider psychotherapy or psychoanalysis to further their training experiences. We provide assistance in locating suitable therapists if desired by the trainee.
Specialist Training Program Registrar Positions:
The Specialist Training Program accredited training positions are funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and managed by the RANZCP. The Registrar’s clinical work takes place both in public settings within St Vincent’s Mental Health Service and in the private sector.
St Vincent’s Mental Health has 6 STP Registrar positions which are in partnership with external organisations.
The STP positions are advertised individually on the recruitment site:
Psychotherapy STP - Apply
Perinatal STP - Apply
Delmont STP - Apply
Aboriginal STP - Apply
Transcultural STP - Apply
Summary of Events - Overview:
- Advertising – May - June
- Interviews –August
- Offer of Position – September/October
- Acceptance confirmation – October
- Welcome Dinner – January 2019
- Orientation – February 2019
- Application is via the St Vincent’s Hospital website and closes Friday 15th June 2018 for all 2019 Registrar positions
- Your application should be addressed to Dr Dominiek Baetens and include:
- CV – (Curriculum Vitae)
- Cover Letter – Outlining reasons for application to St Vincent’s
- Skills & Attributes
- Professional goals
- Referee forms
- Informal interviews with Dr Baetens will be conducted up to the closing date (15th June 2018)
- • Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed by the panel.
Cover Letter:
Needs to indicate why you would like to work at St Vincent’s Hospital – it would assist us if you are able to indicate what previous psychiatry experience you have had.
CV that is well laid out, concise and highlights your talents and experiences, while including:
- Higher degree
- Publications
- Significant previous leadership position
- Any Volunteer work
- Referee contact details including mobile phone and institutional email address
Referee Reports:
Template provided on application website
The Interview process provides the opportunity to meet the Individuals who are interested in working at St. Vincent’s Hospital. You will be asked questions to further explore your interest in training and working at St Vincent’s. Candidates will be shortlisted, and an interview date and time will be organized for you to attend. You will be interviewed by a panel involving relevant representatives from St Vincent’s Mental Health Service and external organisation.
Review of CV and cover letter, plus relevant experience
References and reasons for wanting to undertake the particular STP psychiatry position applied to.
Orientation for new staff will be on the first day of 2018 Clinical Year 4th February 2019 you will be contacted by the Medical Education Department to ensure you attend where you will receive your Security and Access details.