Registrars, Advanced Trainees and Fellows

Vacancies for Unaccredited Registrar, Specialty Registrar, Advanced Trainee and Fellow positions for the 2025 clinical year will be posted here. Please keep an eye on this page, for further information from our Medical Workforce Unit. 

Alternatively, you can reach out to our Medical Workforce Unit at or (03) 92311094. 


Current Open Applications: 


  • Anaesthesia Fellow. Applications close 24th of July, 2024. Apply here 
  • Research Fellow in Palliative Medicine. Applications close 24th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Oncology Research Fellow. Applications close 25th of July, 2024. Apply here


  • Cardiothoracic Unaccredited Registrar. Applications close 31st of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Rehabilitation Registrar (Neurological). Applications close 12th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Rehabilitation Registrar (Musculoskeletal). Applications close 12th of July, 2024. Apply here 
  • Rehabilitation Registrar (Rehab @ Home). Applications close 12th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Rehabilitation Registrar (St George's Hospital). Applications close 12th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Unaccredited General Surgery Registrar. Applications close 21st of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Unaccredited Urology Registrar. Applications close 4th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Unaccredited Orthopaedic Registrar. Applications close 2nd of August, 2024. Apply here
  • Unaccredited Neurosurgery Registrar. Applications close 26th of July, 2024. Apply here
  • Unaccredited Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Registrar. Applications close 27th of July, 2024. Apply here

Advanced Trainees:

  • Advanced Trainee, General Medicine. Applications close 18th of July, 2024. Apply here

Senior Hospital Medical Officers:

  • Neurosurgery Senior Hospital Medical Officer. Applications close 26th of July, 2024. Apply here


Potential Rotations and Rostering

Each candidate who has accepted an offer of employment for the upcoming clinical year has the opportunity to list any rotation preferences, leave requests and any other requirements prior to the upcoming allocation being finalised. 

Attempts will be made to accommodate special requests within the rosters i.e. annual leave for major personal events, rotation allocation based on training and conference leave etc., however please be aware not all requests will be able to be facilitated. 

Please contact Medical Workforce Unit, or the relevant ‘Key Contact’ for your specialty area, for further information regarding potential rotations.