Support During Internship
Throughout your Internship there are numerous supports to help you navigate the transition from medical student to medical practitioner. Below is a summary of the major supports available to you.

The Medical Education Team
The Medical Education team are responsible for your hospital orientation, weekly education program, progress monitoring (including feedback from you about your experience in each rotation), support, welfare and advocacy.
The Medical Education team includes:
- Dr Genni Newnham - Director of Prevocational Training, Medical Oncologist
- Dr Brendan Morrissey - Supervisor of Intern Training, Emergency Physician
- Belinda Healy - Medical Education Coordinator
- Rachel Green - Medical Education Officer
- Claudia Karastamatis - Administration Officer
Medical Workforce Unit
The Medical Workforce Unit are responsible for facilitation of human resource and employment relation needs, recruitment and selection, appointments, contracts and payroll processes, credentialing and onboarding, rotation and roster allocation, feedback meetings with JMS and other key stakeholders.
The Medical Workforce Unit includes:
- Dr Neil Cunningham – Clinical Director of Medical Workforce
- Catherine Carbery – Director Operations/General Manager Medical Workforce
- Alberto Au – Medical Workforce Manager
- Roster Coordinators and Clinical Advisors
Term Supervisors
Each rotation throughout your Internship has a designated Term Supervisor who is a point of contact, support, and is responsible for the coordination of clinical training of Pre-Vocational staff within the unit.
This Term Supervisor will assist in your orientation to the unit, setting out learning goals and expectations as well as completing mid and end of term assessments throughout your rotation.
St Vincent's Hospital STAR Program
The St Vincent's Hospital STAR program is a multi-disciplinary critical incident stress management program, designed to provide debriefing and support to staff by near-peers. All STAR facilitators are equipped with knowledge and skills to provide confidential, emotional support to individuals and teams, and are available 24 hours, 7 days a week. For more information about the STAR Program please visit this link:
St Vincent’s Hospital Ethos Program
We value a respectful and supportive workplace culture. St Vincent’s Hospital Ethos Program is designed to support you in speaking up when you feel workplace behaviour is below standard.
Mentor Program
St Vincent's has a proud and long history of a structured Intern Mentor program, whereby Interns are matched with existing Junior Medical Staff (usually PGY3+) with similar clinical background and interests. This mentor/mentee relationship acts as an additional support to assist your transition into Internship; they are someone to share their pearls of wisdom, lived experiences, or that you can ask questions over a coffee and catch up.
Access EAP
Employees at St Vincent’s Hospital have access to AccessEAP, an employee assistance program for both staff and their immediate families to assist with personal, family and work-related issues. This free external service provides access to qualified and experienced counsellors and is fully confidential. For more information about AcessEAP please see their website:
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