Monique Silk is the Art Curator at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and is responsible for the new Arts Pop UP Program, the Art Gallery and the St Vincent’s Public Art Collection.
Monique Silk, Art Curator
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Level 1, 172 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy
Tel: 03 9231 1548
Mob: 0408 140 706
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Our art collection is one of the largest hospital collections in Victoria, incorporating over 1500 artworks by renowned and emerging contemporary Australian artists. Our acquisitions to date, have predominantly come through the Artist in Residence program (1996 – 2018). We also welcome donations from individuals and we are registered with the Commonwealth Cultural Gifts Program.

Image details: (L)Shane Jones, Still Life with Shadow, 1995, oil on canvas
(R) Louise Saxton , Heart Garden, 2013, reclaimed needle work, lace, pins and nylon tulle
The Arts at St Vincent’s is flourishing in new ways as we transition from the old Artist in Residence Program to our exciting new Arts Pop UP Program.
For over 22 years we have been very privileged to house over 130 artists in studios in Fitzroy and Kew locations as part of the Artist in Residence Program. In 2019 we move into an innovative phase for the Arts at St Vincent’s. The new Arts Pop Up Program invites artists of all crafts including singers, dancers, musicians, moving image makers and more to engage with our patients, our staff and our community across all of our facilities. This will allow many more of our patients to connect directly with an arts experience.
If you would like to be an Arts Pop UP Partner please contact the Art Curator with your ideas.

Image details, Bianca Beetson, Vicki Couzens, Geoffrey Samuels, Reconciliaiton Towards Health, Happiness and Equality, 2016
As Victoria’s largest metropolitan provider of acute, adult Indigenous healthcare, our art collection plays an important role in making our hospital sites culturally welcoming to Indigenous Australians and assist with reducing stress and cultural alienation in the hospital setting.
To demonstrate St Vincent’s commitment to improving health of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, a national collaborative Reconciliation art work was made by over 50 SVHA staff and three contemporary Aboriginal artists. A copy of the art work on display in the foyer of every SVHA site across Australia.
St Vincent’s Art Gallery located in Building D, is a public access gallery hosting exhibitions on a bi-monthly basis. The gallery is a light filled, non-clinical and welcoming space for all to enjoy. It has approximately 50 metres of tracking for hanging art works as well as a secure glass cabinet for 3D displays. The gallery hours are Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm and Friday 9am – 11.30am.
Please contact the Art Curator to apply for exhibition space