Specialist Services

St Vincent’s Mental Health & Wellbeing service has a range of specialist adult mental health services available for consumers, their families, carers and supporters.


Koori Unit

The Mental Health Acute Inpatient Service has five dedicated beds for First Nations people across Victoria, which are linked with the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Family Counselling Service. The Koori Unit team facilitates the provision of culturally safe care in accordance with the Social and Emotional Wellbeing model of care for admitted consumers.

The Social and Emotional Wellbeing Model incorporates various elements including:

  • Connection to culture
  • Connection to Country
  • Connection to spirit, spirituality, and ancestors
  • Connection to body
  • Connection to mind and emotions
  • Connection to family and kinship; and
  • Connection to community

Referrals can be made by calling St Vincent’s Hospital Switchboard on 03 9231 2211 and asking for the mental health admitting officer.


LGBTQIA+ Peer Navigator


The LGBTQIA+ Peer Navigator has lived experience as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as knowledge of community services and support networks.

They use this to provide peer support and service navigation for Rainbow Communities accessing inpatient and community mental health services, as well as providing education and consultation to the St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne workforce to build cultural safety and responsiveness across SVHM.

They can:

  • Listen to you and share their own experiences
  • Provide information about accessing services in the community
  • Support you to receive care that is culturally safe and affirming – and support you through the complaints process if you don’t

Click here for more information about the LGBTQIA+ Peer Navigator

To make a referral to the LGBTQIA+ Peer Navigator email pride@svha.org.au or talk to your treating team.

BETRS - Body Image Eating Disorders Treatment and Recovery Service


BETRS is a collaborative partnership between the mental health programs of Austin Health and St Vincent's Melbourne. It is a community-based outpatient service for people with eating disorders and their families and carers. The service contributes to a continuum of care between primary, tertiary, inpatient and community-based services and the BETRS Inpatient Specialist Eating Disorder Unit located at Austin Health.

Click for more information about BETRS

VDDS - Victorian Dual Disability Service


The VDDS is a state-wide mental health service for people with an intellectual disability. In Victoria the term Dual Disability is used to describe people with an intellectual disability who also have a mental health problem. We believe that people with a dual disability should have access to the best possible mental health care. To achieve this, we work with specialist mental health services in Victoria to assess, treat and manage people with a dual disability.

Click for more information about VDDS

VTMH - Victorian Transcultural Mental Health


Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH) is a state-wide peak body that supports the mental health of diverse people, communities and systems. VTMH is funded by the Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division of the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and sits within St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne. The unit works closely with the mental health sector, as well as the public health, human service, education, and community sectors. VTMH advocates strongly for cultural safety and promotes equity and social justice in mental health practice, policy, governance and the allocation of public resources. Services include forming partnerships with service providers, offering education and engaging communities.

Click for more information about VTMH