Carer Family Supporter Resources

 Carers Can Ask 

It can be a difficult time when a person you are supporting is involved with a mental health service, especially after experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. It can be hard to know what to ask, or what you have a right to know. 

The Carers Can Ask booklet can help!  

If you have any queries about the Carers Can Ask booklet, please email


 Family Violence

For further information or to speak to somebody about family violence, you can contact:


Alcohol and other drug support

DACAS is a specialist telephone consultancy service to assist health and welfare professionals to respond to individuals with alcohol or other drug use problems. Health care professionals can contact DACAS on 1800 812 804.  Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS)

If you or someone you care about has an alcohol or drug problem, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236.  

DirectLine provides 24/7 counselling, information and referral. Directline has an extensive database of providers of drug and alcohol services.  

DirectLine is a free, anonymous and confidential statewide service.


Useful Links