Lithotripsy, from the Greek meaning 'stone crusher', is a procedure used to treat kidney stones.

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) uses the technology of high intensity focused sound waves. In conjunction with dynamic ultrasound or xray imaging we target acoustic energy through the body on to the stone, so that only the stone receives maximal energy. The targeted stone disintegrates into smaller granules that are later flushed out with the normal flow of urine.
The procedure is performed under either a general or spinal anaesthetic, to prevent discomfort from the shockwaves as they pass through the skin and body tissues.
Traditionally, kidney stones may be accessed for treatment by instruments introduced through skin incisions or more commonly through the bladder and urinary system. ESWL technology offers advantages over other approaches to stone disease:
- a truly non-invasive procedure (no incisions or instrumentation of the urinary tract)
- day-only treatment
- a fast recovery period and return to normal activities
The lithotripsy procedure lasts less than 60 minutes and patients do not usually stay in hospital overnight. If there is any pain afterwards, this can usually be managed with simple analgesia at home.
A follow up appointment should be made to see your referring doctor 4 - 6 weeks after the procedure in order to see if the treatment has been successful. You will usually be notified of this appointment by mail.
Lithotripsy is usually performed as a day case, under anaesthetic, in an operating suite or day procedure unit. St. Vincent's provides this service on site at St. Vincent's Hospital Fitzroy or at one of our (6) mobile sites.
Our lithotripsy equipment is stored and transported in a purpose designed truck when we visit mobile sites.

Where you live and your past medical history will determine where your lithotripsy procedure is performed.
Lithotripsy is usually performed as a day case, under anaesthetic, in an operating suite or day procedure unit. St. Vincent's provides this service on site at St. Vincent's Hospital Fitzroy or at one of our (6) mobile sites.
Our lithotripsy equipment is stored and transported in a purpose designed truck when we visit mobile sites.

Where you live and your past medical history will determine where your lithotripsy procedure is performed.