Miss Caroline Baker
Director of Breast Surgery
Tel: via Switchboard (03) 9231 2211
Caroline obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from the University of Melbourne in 1985. She did her fellowship training through St Vincent's Hospital to become Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1994. She then spent the next 5 years in the UK, initially broadening her experience in all surgical areas and then subspecialising in the emerging field of breast surgery. She also attended the Royal College of Surgeons Breast Specialist Training Program whilst spending 12 months at The Royal Marsden Hospital in London – the UK's preeminent cancer hospital. Caroline worked at Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, St Vincent's Hospital, Austin Health and St Vincent's BreastScreen, whilst establishing a private practice. Caroline focused on her role in public healthcare as Director of Breast Services at Austin Health, working there for 18 years. In 2017, Caroline was appointed as Head of Breast Surgery here at St Vincent's where she is also Chief Surgeon to St Vincent's Breast Screen. Caroline is married and has a daughter.
Miss Jocelyn Lippey
Breast and Endocrine Surgeon
Tel: (03) 9231 2545
Jocelyn Lippey is a breast and general surgeon with interests in research into breast cancer, risk communication, tailored breast screening and DCIS as well as oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery. She completed her general surgery fellowship through the Austin hosptial and underwent post fellowship training through Breast Surg ANZ at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in 2015 and Perth in 2016 working at Royal Perth and Fiona Stanley Hospitals. She is a current recipient of an NBCF practitioners grant to develop a risk communication tool as part of a risk-stratified Breast screening trial as well as doing clinical work at St Vincent’s and The Northern hospital in Melbourne. She also co-ordinates a unit of study for University of Sydney’s Masters of Breast Surgery.
Miss Christina Foley
Breast and Endocrine Surgeon
Christina is a specialist breast and endocrine surgeon who obtained her FRACS in 2008. She has trained extensively in the field of breast and endocrine surgery completing fellowships at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, The Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA and the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.
She is appointed as a consultant breast and endocrine surgeon at St Vincent’s Hospital and BreastScreen Victoria. She is a member of BreastSurgANZ and the Australasian Society of Breast Disease and has a particular interest in the multi-disciplinary management of breast and endocrine cancer, familial breast cancer and surgeon-performed ultrasound.
Dr Chris Hart
Medical Oncologist

Chris first developed an interest in breast cancer during his specialist training in medical oncology, completed in 2013, inspired by the complexity and variety of the disease, as well as the level of care that could be provided to breast cancer patients. He went on to do a two year fellowship in Breast Cancer translational research at Prato Hospital in Tuscany, Italy. There he was involved in both preclinical research and reviews of the clinical management of breast cancer, including participating in updating guidelines for Breast Units across Europe. He now works as a full-time Medical Oncologist at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (public and private), and is involved in clinical trials.
Dr Melissa Moore
Medical Oncologist
Dr Michael Guiney
Radiation Oncologist
Tel: (03) 9427 6500

Michael graduated from Melbourne University in 1979. He then undertook specialist training in Medical Oncology obtaining a Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Physicians in 1986. Michael then undertook further oncology training at Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (PMCI) receiving his Fellowship in Radiation Oncology in 1988. He was a staff Specialist at PMCI until 1998 during which time he was Head of the Gastroenterological Unit from 1992 to 1998. Michael has subspecialty interests in the treatment of Neurological, Gastrointestinal and Breast malignancies. He is also actively involved in the IMRT program for treatment of prostate cancer at GenesisCare.
Dr Michael Ng
Radiation Oncologist
Tel: (03) 9427 6500

Michael is an honours graduate of Monash University Medical School. He trained as a radiation oncology registrar at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and spent his fellowship year overseas at the Royal Marsden Hospital, United Kingdom. He then returned to Australia and worked as a staff specialist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in head and neck and gastrointestinal cancers.
He has been a consultant radiation oncologist at GenesisCare since 2009. His special interests include the management of breast and prostate cancer and works at St Vincent's Hospital, Ringwood Private and Epping.
He previously was chair of the EviQ radiotherapy subcommittee developing consensus radiotherapy guidelines for Australia (
www.eviQ.org) and now is on the Medical Services Advisory Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC) for the federal government department of health.
Dr Sureshni Jayasinghe
Tel: via Switchboard (03) 9231 2211
Tel: via Switchboard (03) 9231 2211
Tel: via Switchboard (03) 9231 2211
Ms Andrea Cannon
Breast Cancer Nurse
Tel: (03) 9231 4743
Email: BCN@svha.org.au
Available Monday - Wednesday, Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Ms Georgina Christian
Breast Cancer Nurse
Tel: (03) 9231 4743
Email: BCN@svha.org.au
Available Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Ms Suraya Roslan

Research Coordinator Suraya is a Research Coordinator with over a decade of experience in translational cancer research. She has worked at prestigious institutions like the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. Her dedication to cancer research is reflected in her contributions to numerous peer-reviewed publications. In her current role, Suraya oversees the unit's clinical research activities, manages clinical trials, and maintains the unit's clinical database, BRENDA. Her interest in breast cancer research is motivated by an interest in gaining deeper insights into the disease and improving patient outcomes. She is committed to supporting the Breast Surgery Unit in delivering optimal care to breast cancer patients.
We require referrals for breast conditions, benign and malignant. Physical examination and imaging results are to be included in the referral. This will assist with triage and facilitate the efficient management of patients. St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne follows the new statewide referral guidelines (June 2024). Specific guidelines are listed below.
Well women checks without a specific question will not be accepted.
If you have any concerns about referrals please contact the Breast Care Nurse on (03) 9231 4743.
Referral Forms and Guidelines
SVHM forms
Statewide referral guidelines (June 2024)
Please fax urgent referral forms to the Breast Care Nurse on (03) 9231 2017.
Cancer Information
GP Education
Cancer Australia has released the remaining three courses in the suite of breast cancer clinical education modules, which support primary care health professionals to provide best practice cancer care when caring for people affected by breast cancer. The modules are hosted on the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine’s learning management system, ACRRM Online Learning: https://mycollege.acrrm.org.au/subscribers/cancer-australia/about
The newly released modules include:
- How not to miss a breast cancer – the triple test in practice
- Breast cancer treatment – managing the impact
- Breast cancer in the family – What does it mean?
Each course is accredited with 1 educational activity hour for continuing professional development.
To access the courses, visit: https://www.cancerlearning.gov.au/topics/breast-cancer.
The courses are available free of charge on ACRRM’s online learning platform. If you are not an ACRRM member and wish to apply for free access to these courses (sponsored via Cancer Australia), please click here to register.
Support Services
Think Pink Foundation
The Otis Foundation
Breast Clinic
Tuesday at 2.00pm
Cancer Centre, Building D - Daly Wing, Level 1, 35 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy VIC 3065
GP Enquiries:
Tel: (03) 9231 2898.
Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am to 4:00pm, or please leave a message.
Please fax referral forms to: (03) 9231 2017
Breast Care Nurse:
Tel: (03) 9231 4743

HealthPathways Melbourne is an online portal designed to be used by general practice at the point of care to guide best practice assessment, management and referral of common clinical conditions.
Please Note:
This is a public outpatient service. All patients need to be referred to us by a GP. Please see your GP if you believe you would benefit from a referral to this clinic. Many doctors have private consulting suites as well as working in the public hospital system. This is entirely separate from St Vincent’s and our staff do not have any information about the private consulting practices of doctors.