Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater
When to do ACP You are here:HomeOur ServicesDepartments and ServicesAAdvance Care Planning Anyone can do Advance Care Planning. Some key groups that Advance Care Planning is useful for are: Aged or older people who are frail People of any age with chronic progressive and life-limiting conditions People approaching end of life People with multiple health conditions People with early cognitive impairment People who are regularly admitted to hospital It is also a good idea to discuss Advance Care Planning if you are having medical or surgical treatment. Sometimes these may result in temporary loss of capacity. A good time to do Advance Care Planning is when your health is stable. Think about writing an Advance Care Directive if: you have firm preferences about future medical treatment you have no-one, or no-one suitable, that you could appoint as a Medical Treatment Decision Maker you have preferences for your health care that are different from what you think your family would want for you.